If you are a founder of a DTC e-commerce business or in a digital marketing team for such, you probably heard of the “DTC GUY”, aka, Nik Sharma.
Nik has a solid following on his twitter that offers great advice in the space.
This is a MUST LISTEN podcast to anyone in the e-comm game trying to scale. I really recommend this listen as it has some really valuable gems. It’s an extremely important conversation about what he called “surviving the cookiepocalypse” which is one of the hottest topics for all digital marketers right now given the change we’ve seen this year in privacy, most notably, the IOS14 change.
Some key take aways:
- Nik is BULLISH on TikTok ads more than anything.
- Mindset of traditional branding should change and adapt to social landscape growth marketing.
- Brands should focus on VP more than anything as Facbook ads, Instagram, can only take you so far.
There are so many key points, just take a few minutes to listen and gain some great knowledge here.